Wednesday 21 July 2021



HMNZS Te Mana Races To The Aid Of A Merchant Ship

Thursday, 15 July 2004, 4:39 pm

Royal New Zealand Navy frigate HMNZS TE MANA while in the Gulf of Oman raced to the aid of a merchant ship.

Te Mana responded to an emergency radio message from a Bulk Chemical Carrier, and was informed they had a casualty who had fallen into a tank while cleaning it. Te Mana closed at maximum speed and launched her Seasprite helicopter with a medic on board to provide immediate aid. On arrival Te Mana's medic provided first aid and attempted to resuscitate the casualty. The British Destroyer HMS CUMBERLAND also responding to the emergency providing a Doctor. Unfortunately the casualty was unable to be revived.

Te Mana is taking part in the Maritime Interdiction Operations in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman as part of an International Coalition Task Group. Maritime Interdiction Operations are directed at stopping the movement by sea of Al Qa'eda and Taliban elements between Afghanistan/Pakistan, the Middle East and other areas. The task group monitors shipping activity, gathers information, intercepts and boards shipping, and if necessary identifies and detains Al Qa'eda and Taliban personnel.

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