Tuesday 18 December 2012

4 Simple Ways to Learn English

1. Listening to the Language Helps

One good way to learn English is to listen to English speakers. There are a number of ways to do this. Here are two of them:

2. Do a Little at a Time

An excellent way to begin to learn English is to learn a few words every day. Each language has millions of words. Attempting to learn too many of them at one time can be overwhelming. Many people have had success learning three to five words a day. When you learn a new word, try to use it as much as possible with English speakers. Listen to the way they pronounce and use it. Over the course of a few weeks, you will be able to have short conversations in English, and your confidence will begin to grow. Reading a little English each day will also help. Write, listen to, and speak the language as much as possible.

3. Think in English

During the day people perform numerous activities. As you perform each activity, think of the English phrase for what you are doing. For example, if you are washing your car, think and then say in English, “I am washing my car.” If you do this consistently, you will not only learn new phrases, but you will also train yourself to actually begin to think in English.

4. Use English Often

Try to put yourself in the presence of English speakers often. Listen to them. Ask a few questions for clarity. Try out the vocabulary words you have learned. At first both you and they may feel a little uncomfortable or laugh at your pronunciation. Gradually, you will find yourself comfortably carrying on conversations in English and understanding exactly what the Anglophones are talking about.

Listen to fun English radio shows and read fun books in English. Gradually the phrases you hear and see will become a part of your vocabulary and you will be speaking English.

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